Algorithm of Aggressive System Development Chess-Based Model

Категория: Шахматы. Шашки

Algorithm of Aggressive System Development Chess-Based Model
Algorithm of Aggressive System Development Chess-Based Model
Avin Viktor
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Dear Sir or Madame, I would like to offer for your library's collection a copy of my book, Algorithm of Aggressive System Development Chess-Based Model. The book contains the first complete scientific explanation of the two thousand year old phenomenon chess. An excerpt of my work was included in Leonid Yudasin's book The Thousand Year Old Myth of Chess, which has been praised by world chess champion Gary Kasaparov. The contents of my book will be useful to a wide range of specialists from disciplines such as computer programming, mathematics, astrophysics, and philosophy. Sincerely yours, Victor Avin (Victor Nikolaevich Afanasev)